Securing water. Stopping Co2, turning deserts and regions endangered by aridity green, supplying earth with energy, stopping the problem of migration and wars for oil. How can that be done? Is it possible at all?-  By an oil plant! The so-called Jatropha oil.
Jatropha grows world-wide, not only in deserts. It is  a spurge plant, combines CO2 in the air and takes energy out of the latter one. Jatropha grows excellently in desert regions and wherever erosion dominates. It grows in Germany, in Mali, Peru, Ghana, Tanzania, China and the USA; in short: everywhere, even in regions where nothing else can grow!
The plant keeps the ground water in the earth and yields oil fruits that can be used at its optimum from a technical point of view. Their quality turns out much better than that one of the oil palm or the rape seed. It is a plant of several years that can be harvested all the year over. Cars, trucks, ship engines and power stations can be operated by it economically and without being a danger to the ground water. In tanker accidents this oil will dissolve in water. The so-called pressed “cake” is the best fertiliser and protection of plants. As a hedge Jatropha will not only protect gardens from aridity but also from being wasted by wild animals. Jatropha contains bitter parts that makes animals refrain from eating. Jatropha is robust and unsusceptible. Its fruit contains a portion of 50 % of fat.
This oil plant can be grown world–wide and create labour at any thinkable place. 20% of the African area would be sufficient to meet  today’s requirements. It should be our severe duty toward mankind and the world of animals to supply our world with sun energy. For there are masses of it all over the world. This energy is to be used without further hesitation. Some governments and farsighted members of the Bill & Melindas Gates Foundation , the Robert Bosch , the Garfield Weston , the Dietmar Hopp Foundations and some others have recognised that and try to save of what is left to save.
It is quite plain there is an answer to any question, a solution to any problem. But unfortunately man is slow and finances are kept by the wrong people. Thus our life is mostly destined by other than renewable energies. Profits are still taken from conventional industries and resources. This is going on though our whole world may be doomed to end up in a
We have been wondering for years how this development can be stopped and found out that it can only be done the commercial way. Money rules the world. And we find that oil is the solution or the end of its history. We wonder why not decades ago plant oil was considered useful to operate machines. Due to its good quality even Rudolf Diesel favoured it. He was quoted as saying: “ Some day in future plant oils will be of great importance for my development of diesel engines.” That was stated 94 years ago. So much time has been wasted and no end of this disastrous development seems to be in sight, but instead several branches of the industry, creators of CO2  and shortage of water, will obviously die before man will.
We on the other hand  feel sure that we have found the means how to handle the situation and keep our earth green. That is why we are looking for investors and interested forces who can help us making deserts and our planet as a whole green. We need some money to get everything started, which can be kept at a low level compared to other activities of this kind. We feel sorry that we are not able to pay up for the seeds of the collectors of Jatropha  and the first harvests without the urgently needed money for a start. This must be said in spite of numerous existing test results. The one and only task that has to be done is: Practise everything. We do start in Nepal where we are going to take over the Jatropha project from they all aspire to become independent of mineral oil. But at the moment there are China and India that dictate oil prices  Thus a small country like Nepal is looking for a way between. It seems to be a good idea for Australia to follow suit and so to keep its industry (including inhabitants and towns) running. Generally speaking our ideas seem to be an effective way to let people survive on earth.
We ask you to come on board of oil business. You may well become a saviour of our earth. Share our oil business. It is our intention to save our earth. Do join us and give us a helping hand.
The following persons make up the Jatropha International:
 Martin Conzen ( Biopaep Germany;
Jan Laumann (Bt Autoöl- Germany – )
Bhandarie Ashok (Nepal), Dr. Sushil ( Nepal- Kathmandu University; ).

Every day you can learn from the media that a lot of experts and other people worry about how to stop the heating of the earth and how at the same time the world can be supplied with enough energy.
China and India are expanding, resources of water and oil are running out. Catastrophes can be experienced nearly daily. Continents like Australia muse about the first wars for water in ten years’ time. Adelaide with more than 1 million of inhabitants is said to be the first there running out of water. The government tries to meet the situation by thinking about it right now. ( See “Der Spiegel, Edition 32, dated 6-8-2007, p. 48). North – and South Pole will say farewell shortly. A big amount of  isolated frozen CO2 is additionally getting loose. Polar bears are killing and eating each other and their offspring or getting drowned. Penguins and other zoo animals will become extinct. Along with polar bears men will die. Their children will much likely be exposed to wars for water. The earth is going to burn, hunger will expand. Industries will be closing up at a high rate.
There are a lot of  reasons why and how to react and give men a chance to survive. We have been engaged for a couple of years with using plant oil in combustion engines. We ourselves have driven cars and pick-ups without any harm and for some years with the help of rape oil. Long before the public took  any notion of this technique we had completely made use of the kind of sun energy in the tank. The usage of rape oil in BHKW communal heating for the production of  electricity and water heaters can be enabled and is asked for at places. The question of provision is the main point of our initial activities. An extended survey came to the conclusion that companies such as DaimlerChrysler  were already running a Jatropha project for the procession of  bio-diesel in  India with the help of the German Development Service. Meanwhile the British Ministry of Economy and Science had granted an amount for a co-operation with the University of Kathmandu. We had a look at the project in Nepal and found out that Jatropha already grew there everywhere. The University works intensively   about the project and is specialised in the procession of the oil fruit. In some places Jatropha is used in the household, e.g. lighting, cooking, or procession of further techniques. It is also taken for the production of soap. Like all such projects this was closed down, too. There were no more researches after the money had been used up. But everyone knows that Saudis are 60% shareholders of  DaimlerChrysler. Obviously they are mainly interested in selling their mineral oil and less in improving the world climate.  The British project has been suspended for an indefinite time, too. About 250000 sqms. of experimental fields are not being harvested any more. One lonely professor and engineer enjoyed our interest. Beside Jatropha we were shown various other oil seeds which can be used world-wide in engines or cars and are the pre-condition for high technical qualities. Jatropha is the beginning only. Its cultivation complies excellently with the growing of other plants.
The commercial development is practically going to start by 2007 – 2008.A central office and information centre will be opened. An ample cultivation of fallow land without interfering in consisting environmental structures is being thought of. Nepalese people harvest and collect the wild growing precious oil fruit all over their country (along the Jatropha Road from Kathmandu to Pokhara). They are then transported to different locations and stored according to their region and quality. The existing experimental fields deriving from the Jatropha project of the British government are harvested. After that the most efficient oil seeds are given to the farmers. Contracts of delivery are concluded with the co-operatives and farmers for a 10 years’ term. Year by year further layers are set, especially at places endangered by erosion and elsewhere. It is only fallow land that is thus cultivated. Jungle regions will be exempted from the program. There will not be any deforestation either. The procession of oil will be done at special places where the oil is filtered and refined. Trucks of German origin will be converted to Jatropha transport. Power stations for the production of electricity. Laboratories that may develop even more efficient techniques for the purpose. The existing marketing system (petrol stations) and furthermore shops and markets equipped for sales will be made use of.
The Jatropha plant is a succulent bush of a height of up to 8 metres which is rich in sap. Its branches that contain a milky, pink-coloured sap are covered with a peeling bark. The five-parted leaves grown on a 15 cm long stem are of a length of about 15 cm and wide. The rest of its leaves are tiny. The many-branched inflorescence mostly forms even heads. Male blooms crop sepals of a length of 3 mms, as well as head-leaves that are grown together half-sized and 8 anther leaves. Female blooms crop sepals of a length of 5 mms. and free-hanging head-leaves of a length of 6 mms. All the sepals and head-leaves are yellowish. The 3x 2 cms. big three-parted capsule-sized fruits grow black when ripe and yield elliptic seeds sized 1,7 x 1 cm with a small caruncula. The seeds contain fat oils of about 50%.
The natural area of spreading of Jatropha is tropical America , the Caribbean, and the range from Mexico to Chile. It was Portuguese and Dutch seafarers who brought it to Asia and Africa.

Cultivation and Exploitation
Jatropha is robust, undemanding and little susceptible to illnesses. It can well survive even long-lasting aridity by its succulence and is hardly eaten by wild animals due to its poisonous sap. Therefore it is an ideal plant in tropical countries for afforestation of barren landscapes or reforestation of agricultural areas abandoned because of  aridity and erosion of the soil. It is also often put as a protecting hedge around useful plantations. The area for growing Jatropha is estimated world-wide to be between 2 and 3 million sqkms.
The oil yielded from the seeds is of high economical value. Before refining it can be used as lamp oil or for cooking. It can also be processed to soap and candles. The rest remaining after extracting the oil becomes excellent manure. A special interest is laid upon the processing of bio-diesel  and above all coldly pressed vegetable oil that saves poor tropical countries from importing expensive crude oil and can directly be used in specially designed engines. Co-operation between “Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit” (GTZ) and Stuttgart-Hohenheim University pushes forward the growing of this plant in Gujarat (India) within a research and production project. The fuel produced there already complies wit Euro regulation Diesel – Norm 3.
Meanwhile World Bank support the growing of Jatropha curcas on 4 conditions that are all met in India:
 adequate wages,
 avoidance of imports of crude oil,
 no use of fertile land,
 little cost of transport.
One problem is still to be solved: That is the poisonous particles contained in the seeds and in consequence in the oil that is yielded from the latter. As they taste awfully hot and have a laxative effect so that people will feel sick the oil is not good for consumption. Attempts to get rid of the poisonous parts by means practicable in tropical countries failed. But new hope comes up by the discovery in Mexico of a different species of Jatropha curcas That either does not contain the poison or in extremely little concentration only.
Being an ornamental plant with us in Europe Jatropha needs a warm and very sunny location. The vegetation period lasts from about April to October. When the leaves wilt in autumn the plant must be kept warm and dry ( minimum 15° ). Is it watered in winter the plant can get rank and spoilt.
Due to its undemandedness the Jatropha curcas can be grown even in dry savannahs. In spite of its modesty the plant produces bio-oil which as having 60 octane ( rape has only 30 – 40) is one of the most effective oils in the world. That is the reason why its growing is very promising. It is Cameroon where the first commercially working plantations are run. They are looked after by the German Fair Trade Fuel Shareholders Company. 

Jatropha glandulifera, flourishing plant.

World-wide accumulative process (network); international media and campaigns; headquarters in Germany; information centre in Germany; information centre Asia in Nepal.
Further researches; procession for optimising consisting systems of vegetable oil; here Germany is considered forerunner for the development of systems; transfer systems have to be developed with regard to special conditions in a country.
We expect to invest 100000 € for the collection and storage in the first year.  Furthermore we calculate 50000€ for research, information centres and marketing. Further 40000€ each year to come for enforcement of measures until  2018. A rest of the means may be reinvested in  Jatropha projects in a country ( for the farmers) or other international Jatropha projects. We estimate a further 350000€ for the filtering  technique of oil mills, for crushing and conditioning facilities, devices with sap-hose thread, suction pumps, filtration, and for fixed tapping devices. The cost for refinery when  needed is estimated at 100000€. Everything mentioned above has to be  brought into accord and to be adjusted to the real needs by financial backers. The project should be self-supporting the latest after a ten-years’-period. We think that it should be possible to adjust the already existing knowledge by the mentioned means to a standard valid in future. We expect Nepal to get mostly independent of mineral oil within a period of 20 years. Backers can profit from a commercialisation e.g. as  a partner of an oil company. The region between India and China is strategically of high importance.
Collection and storage                                   100000 €
Centres of information, marketing, research      50000 €
Enforcement until 2018                                 316000 €
Oil mill and production                                    450000 €
Totally                                                         960000 €

Money not needed  as well as profit should be invested at a percentage in the infrastructure, e.g. schools, school ways, education, means for social purposes and environmental transport.  
Whenever you go by plane across the atmosphere including CO2 next time and look down to earth you should bear one thing in your mind: The plane would have been suitable for Jatropha oil and your flight could have been friendly to our climate. But in case you have not pre-booked a ticket to Mars yet, take care to invest in consisting  infrastructures on earth and bring your influence to bear!
We are ready. Please, do contact us!